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ISA KNOX Age Focus Prime Wrinkle For All Serum
Премиум восстанавливающая сыворотка с ретинолом ISA KNOX Age Focus Prime Wrinkle For All Serum

Описание Отзывы Изображения
  • Премиум восстанавливающая сыворотка с ретинолом ISA KNOX Age Focus Prime Wrinkle For All Serum 20 мл.
    • A highly concentrated ampoule serum that spread lightly and moistly on the skin, tending the skin with a natural glow.
    • Phyto Pro-Retinol and Prime Pro-Retinol care the skin healthily and sturdily, filling the skin with vitality.
    • The smooth and golden texture of the anti-aging serum permeates the skin quickly, completing smooth and sturdy skin.
    • Prime Pro-Retinol - A complex that contains Phyto Pro-retinol , a precursor to retinol, and Prime Pro-retinol with Phyto DNA, to create firm and healthy skin.
    • Improve wrinkle effect
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