Крем для лица с экстрактом оливы пробник Innisfree Olive Real Power Cream
Крем для лица с экстрактом оливы пробник Innisfree Olive Real Power Cream 1мл. х 12 шт.
product detail 1. Creamy serum texture for bouncy, healthy skin Cream-textured serum hugs your skin light and tight to deliver 3 times condensed nutrients. Olive oil forms a moisture barrier to plump up dry skin. 2. Contains vitamin E to fortify moisture barrier Vitamin E builds moisture barrier on outer skin to keep moisture inside. HOW TO USE [Directions] Apply an appropriate amount and gently spread over face and neck for absorption. [Usage order] Skin - Lotion - Serum - Eye cream - Cream *Special Care : Essential oil or Oil mist -
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